about me

Dr. Qingping Zheng is a licensed, board-certified Naturopathic Doctor in Canada. She currently practices in Toronto at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) Integrated Healthcare Centre (IHC)( http://ccnmihc.ca/ ) .qp

Education and Training:

Dr. Zheng obtained her Doctor of Naturopathy Degree from Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto (CCNM)( http://www.ccnm.edu/ ). She interned at Robert Schad naturopathic clinic, Brampton Civic Hospital and Anishnawbe Health Toronto. On graduation, she became a CCNM full time faculty as a research resident in CCNM, serving as a clinical supervisor, researcher and teacher. ( http://www.ccnm.edu/research/research-faculty ).

Prior to attending CCNM, Dr. Zheng had worked as a medical doctor (attending physician) in Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, China, specialized in the neurological and sports rehabilitation for over 5 years.  She obtained her master degree in rehabilitation medicine in 2007 and furthered her clinical training as a visiting scholar in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Tohoku University Hospital, Japan in 2011-12, awarded by SASAGAWA fellowship from Japan.

Why me?

Dr. Zheng has been trained to integrate conventional and natural medicine to give you the most natural, scientific and evidence-based treatment protocol.

  • Patient Center Care: Best communication starts with listening. Your experience, your opinion would be highly valued in our care. Dr. Zheng takes the time to listen and respects to your need, discusses treatment options with you and creates a plan that works best for you. You are not only getting to know the diagnosis but how the condition evolved, how it will affect your body and how you can make a change.
  • Treating Root Causes of Disease, Rather Than Just Symptoms: You want healthcare solution that works and lasts. Dr. Zheng does not treat the symptoms, but the person who has the symptoms. She is helping you to understand the message from your own body and connection between your body and mind. She considers the root cause and helps you to recognize and empower the self-healing inside your own body.
  • An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth A Pound of Cure. Zheng believes that preventive medicine is the best form of health care and she provides health care instead of sick care center service.

Clinic Focus:

  • Neurological Health: Zheng has a passion working on neurodegenerative diseases. She has been specialized in neural rehabilitation for many years, combined with extensive knowledge and experiences. Currently, there is no known cure in the conventional medical system but natural medicine can offer therapies that can prevent and even slow the onset of conditions. Conditions she treats include:
    • Alzheimer’s disease
    • Parkinson’s diseases
    • Traumatic Brain Injury/ Concussion
    • Stroke
    • Spinal Cord Injury
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Other Neurological degeneration conditions et al.
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions and pain management:  Zheng applies his extensive experience in physical medicine and uses very specialized treatment techniques such as acupuncture, muscle release therapy, botanical medicine and nutrient therapy and intravenous and injection therapy to quickly, effectively, and naturally reduce pain and provide lasting relief. Conditions she treats include:
    • Joint pain (hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand)
    • Tendinitis (carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow et al.)
    • Upper and Low Back pain
    • Neck pain and Headaches
    • Fracture
    • Sport Injuries
    • Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    • Plantar fasciitis and so on.
  • Family medicine: As a licensed primary care practitioner, Dr. Zheng addresses every aspect of family medicine and welcomes all age groups in her practice ranging from pediatrics to geriatrics. Conditions treated by Dr. Zheng included
    • Autoimmune Diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, celiac disease)
    • Hormone Imbalances (premature menopause, infertility, dysmenorrhea, thyroid conditions, stress, insomnia)
    • Mental Health issues (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder), lifestyle diseases (diabetes, obesity and hypertension)
    • Gastrointestinal Disease (gastroesophageal reflux disease,hypochlorhydria, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, constipation)
    • Environmental heavy metal deposition and so on.

Profession association

Dr. Zheng is a member of good standing with the Canadian Association of Naturopathic DoctorsOntario Association of Naturopathic Doctors.